Help with Link+
Link+ is a one-stop-shop digital platform to manage your Link partnership so you can spend more time on your business. Accessible, anytime, from anywhere, it’s the fastest way to access lease documents, submit service requests, contact property management, pay your bills and more.
How to access Link+
Link+ can be accessed by:
1. Visiting
2. Downloading the Link+ app in the Apple Store or Google Play.
First time signing on?
You should have received an activation email with your link. To resend your activation link, click here. Please reach out to your Property Manager if your email address needs to be added into Link+.
Sign-on help
If you already have a Link+ account set up and are unable to sign in, please email If you are a new user interested in using Link+, please contact your Property Manager for more information.
Getting started
Check out the Link+ How-To Guide for step-by-step instructions on getting started in Link+.
Support and feedback
If you need further support, please fill out the form below or contact
Link+ Tutorial
Unleash the Power of Link+ With Your Dedicated Guide, Sally Sue
Contact us
Frequently asked questions
What makes Link+ different from other digital platforms?
Link+ takes the digital platform one step further as a one-stop shop where customers can get work orders processed faster, pay bills online, message directly with their Property Management team and access important documents and property details. Additionally, it allows customers to make advanced requests to other Link teams.
What is the benefit of Link+?
Link+ is an at-the-ready digital property manager that’s available around the clock. It offers secure access to lease and property information so that our customers can focus on running their business.
Do I need to use Link+?
Once onboarded onto Link+, all property information including monthly invoices will be accessible through Link+. Link+ will also expedite your property requests by allowing you to message your entire Link team at once.
How accurate is Link+ information?
Link customers must have reliable lease and property information (i.e., daily updates to account balances and compliance information). For questions, customers can directly ping their Link team via Link+ messaging.
Will Link still deliver invoices via email?
Link customers will still receive monthly invoice notifications via email allowing them to log in to Link+ to access their invoices.
Can I use Link+ in an emergency?
In a true emergency, please dial 911 first. Then contact your property manager or Link’s 24-hour answering service at 833-354-0003.
I am unable to login to Link+ — who should I contact?
Please email